
Fine 1

If one of your players leaves the English Premier league(leaves for any reason, transfer, loan or retirement) = £5.

Fine 2

If one of your players appears on the front page of The Mirror, The Daily Star or The Sun (or their respective Sunday papers) for any non-footballing reason = £5

Fine 3

If your player receives their first cap for their country(any country), everyone else = £5.

Fine 4

If a player goes on strike, the other competitors can choose one of their fines to pass over to that holder of the striking player.

Fine 5

OBT goal of the season - The holder = -£5.

Fine 6

OBT player of the season - The holder = -£5

Fine 7

Appearing in a David Squires Comic (image only) = £5

Fine 8

The last player's chosen scorer to score a goal in the premier league. (Your scorer must be chosen by the time the first game kicks off = £10

Fine 9

If your chosen scorer scores an own goal = £10

Fine 10

If one of your players dies everyone else must have a dirty pint.

Fine 11

For every red card received by the manager/head coach of a club that a competitor has a player of = £5.

Fine 12

Any event that causes a player to receive a ban/club suspension of 4 or more consecutive premier league games = £10.

Fine 13

If you have a player who's manager/head coach leaves for any reason = £5

Fine 14

The failure to return the trophy (or significant damage as agreed by the other Competitors) with the new winner's name professionally engraved onto the trophy = dirty half pint

Fine 15

The Ben Wild Echo fine for repetition in a month = £5.

Fine 16

Losing to a lower placed team in the league during the OBT Cup = £5.

Fine 17

Opted to forgo draft or remaining loans unusued = -£5.

Fine 18

Setting lowest GW record = £5.

Fine 19

Goal of the season: no votes received = £5.

Fine 20

Late response to doodle = £5.

Fine 21

Failure to provide badge before Supp Draft = £5.

Fine 22

Least susccessful loan = £5.

Fine 23

Manager does not achieve 1,000 points for a season = £20.

Fine 24

If your player reecives a WC 2022 winners medal = -£5.